Who We Are

We Supply Home Lifts and Chairlift

The Best Quality 100% Made In Europe

Who We Are

We Provide Home lifts and Chairlift
The Best Quality 100% Made In Europe


Starting in 1966 with a revolutionary project to create a home elevator using Screw and Nut technology, where this technology has been successful and has been installed in more than 50,000 homes worldwide to facilitate user activities and mobility while at home.

Then this concept is the reason Kintics founded a company that is ready to deliver elevators to be installed in homes that need them.

Kintics was officially established in 2015, during our journey, we have succeeded in selling and installing elevators to homes in good condition, until now we have installed more than 200 units.


  • Creating the best environment for our employees, ensuring productivity and great interest in working to serve our customers.
  • Creating a customer-oriented company.
  • To create long-term relationships with our customers and employees.


  • Developing safe and elegant European standard elevators.
  • To ensure a lift that can enter every house in every available space.
  • To be a proactive and competitive company, providing high quality home lifts from Europe.

Technology & Solutions

European Quality

Kintics Home Lifts are made of the best quality materials from Europe. Therefore, we offer 2 years of free service for every purchase of a lift. There are also additional warranty packages upon your request.

Saving More Energy

The Kintics LIft operates at the lowest power compared to others. With a maximum operating noise level of 70db. To make your home more comfortable and energy efficient.

Professional Team

In response to problems that may occur when the lift is having problems, Kintics always provides technicians who are always ready to solve problems with your home lift.

Technology & Solutions


European Quality

Kintics Home Lifts are made of the best quality materials from Europe. Therefore, we offer 2 years of free service for every purchase of a lift. There are also additional warranty packages upon your request.

Saving More Energy

The Kintics LIft operates at the lowest power compared to others. With a maximum operating noise level of 70db. To make your home more comfortable and energy efficient.

Professional Team

In response to problems that may occur when the lift is having problems, Kintics always provides technicians who are always ready to solve problems with your home lift.


Lift kami dapat dengan mudah masuk ke rumah Anda dan sesuai dengan interior rumah Anda. Kami di Kintics akan menjadi asisten terbaik Anda untuk memastikan keindahan dan kedamaian rumah Anda dengan menyediakan solusi lift yang memungkinkan Anda mengakses di setiap lantai tanpa memandang usia dan waktu.


Lift kami dapat dengan mudah masuk ke rumah Anda dan sesuai dengan interior rumah Anda. Kami di Orkanda akan menjadi asisten terbaik Anda untuk memastikan keindahan dan kedamaian rumah Anda dengan menyediakan solusi lift yang memungkinkan Anda mengakses di setiap lantai tanpa memandang usia dan waktu.

Our Global Network


PT. Kintics Global Teknologi

Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said KAV. C-22, LT. 2 Ruang 210 RT. 002 RW. 005, Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi, Kota ADM. Jakarta Selatan, DKI JAKARTA


Email: support@kintics.com

Our Global Network

PT. Kintics Global Teknologi

Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said KAV. C-22, LT. 2 Ruang 210 RT. 002 RW. 005, Karet Kuningan, Setiabudi, Kota ADM. Jakarta Selatan, DKI JAKARTA


Email: support@kintics.co.id